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 My son is four years old and loves to try and play the trumpet. He can blow and finger (somewhat) - he has an old, school band trumpet. I would love for him to learn proper technique before he picks up too many bad habits. What would you recommend? Thus far, he's learned everything he knows from my nephew (age 18) who's played french horn for 5 years. FYI - my son can read - if that helps.

Marcus' Mommy

 Thank you Marcus' Mom for your question;

I agree with you, I would also like to see him learn the proper techniques before the development of bad habits and the frustion of having to undo them. 
1. Find a "good trumpet" teacher.
It is important that the teacher is comfortable with teaching a trumpet students this young and having realistic expectations. General rule of thumb for trumpet has been from ages 6-9 to start, however this is not a rule. 
It has been my experience, children 3-5 can do quite well as long as consideration is given too; 
1. the child's ( breath control or capacity, teeth formation, size & strength of the child) 
2. the teacher must have the ability to access a young student and be able to relate /  
There is a student by the name of Geoffrey Gallante, who is currently 6 or 7, that has become somewhat famous recently, he's been playing since he was 3.

I hope this helps and please keep me posted,
Dr. Pugh
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